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Help Us Rescue. Help Us Save.


With your help, the hard work of our dedicated volunteers and the financial contributions of a compassionate community, together we can make lasting change.


We can be heroes just for one day


The world needs heroes.


And you can be one. With a legacy that lasts a lifetime and impacts the next generation.

Whether you're a superhero, a super-villain, or just a regular person trying to do the right thing, every donation counts! Every cent helps us purchase vital land for rehabilitation and protection. We can help wild and domestic animals alike—donate now to assist with food, health, and shelter.

It's not like these animals are going to save the world—they've got enough on their plates trying to survive in an environment that doesn't seem designed for them. But with your help we can make sure they get the food, healthcare, and shelter they need so they can live out their full lives in peace.


Your money goes a long way!

Support Our Cause
Leave a one-time contribution

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

We are a community advocacy & support, non government, unincorporated not-for-profit, private members association.

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